Monday, November 30, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Baby Update
I had a follow-up ultrasound a few weeks ago followed by my Ob/Gyn visit. The ultrasound technician saw nothing out of the ordinary. There is still a bright spot on the heart, but it is fading. They left it up to Dr. Lanza as to whether I need another ultrasound. He said probably later on, but I have none scheduled so far. That may change when I see him on Friday.
I had my glucose test back and according to Dr. Lanza, no news is good news. So far, I have not heard anything from them so I guess my bloodsugar is okay.
I have decided to stop work at the end of December instead of January like I had originally planned. This pregnancy is really taking its toll on me. I am having trouble sleeping at night and therefore I am tired during the day. Plus, keeping up with an almost 2 1/2 year old requires a lot of energy too. Another reason I want to stop working is so that we (Brad, Benny and myself) can spend some good quality family time before this baby makes his entrance. Right now Brad watches Benny on his days off while I work. We don't get much quality time as a family and Brad and I don't get much time to ourselves either. Hopefully, me staying home will help. I plan to stay home after this little guy is born and not have to go back to work at all.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Benny Says Hi
I came across this video and thought I should post it. It was taken last month. Enjoy!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Baby Update
Halloween 2009

He had a bit of his candy before we got home. He found out that he likes Hershey's chocolate bars. Here is our chocolate cow.
Pudding Painting
Last week, Benny had the opportunity to finger paint for the first time. I just took vanilla pudding and put food color in it. He didn't really seemed interested in getting his hands wet. He liked using spoons instead. He really enjoyed eating the paint.
Silly Pictures of Benny

Just a little boy in his "hat" walking his duck.

Benny trying to fill Daddy's shoes.

This picture was from the end of summer. Benny had just come in from "helping" Daddy was the car so he was wet from head to toe. I took off his clothes and before he dressed he found his Thomas the Tank Engine stickers and we had fun putting them on his tummy. We were finding those stickers weeks later (on our socks). He liked putting them on, but taking them off was another story.
Aunts and Uncle

We also took a day and went to the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium in Tacoma. Brad and I are members and were able to take 3 guests. They were nice enough to let us bring 4. Anytime Benny couldn't see, he would say "Please, Steve."

Here is Benny and Aunt Leslie standing by some big shark's teeth.

Pumpkin Patch

One thing we did different this year was go on a tour of the farm. We road this little wagon around the farm, picked out a small pumpkin (we now have 7 little pumpkins on our porch), and go through a corn maze.
Pumpkin Patch 2

Friday, October 2, 2009
It's a ....

Thursday, September 24, 2009
"Brad Heilenman tried introducing sloppy joe to his 2 yr old son. Not only did he not like it, he kept pointing and saying "poop, poop!" (It was so hard not to laugh...okay, to not laugh uncontrollably.)"
Needless to say, I had to ask Brad about this. We spent a good 10 minutes laughing our heads off.
We have one funny and entertaining little boy.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Baby Update/Benny Update
l know it has been a while since I updated this blog. A lot has been going on. The baby is doing fine. We had another ultrasound a few weeks ago and I have a doctor's appointment on Friday the 25th. According to the ultrasound measurements, my due date is anywhere between Feb 17th and Feb 20th. The earlier the better for me but not to early.
Benny has been making great strides over the past month. Just recently we had to get him new shoes for two reasons. The first reason was because his other shoes were actually worn out. The second reason was because he had almost grown out of this size 6 shoes. He is now in 6 1/2 size shoes. He has had a vocabulary explosion over the last few weeks. Words you wouldn't think he knows just rolls of his tongue. He is also pronouncing words a little more clearly. Just the other day, he was riding his bike in the street in front of our house. He looked at me as said "car come" and proceeded to "ride" his bike over to our yard. He can say "please", "thank you", and "you are welcome" correctly on a somewhat more regular basis. "Sorry" is a new word to his vocabulary since he is more involved with other children (at the YMCA).
Not only has his vocabulary increased, but his appetite has as well. The past few days he has been surprising us by the amount of food he eats. At first I wasn't sure if it was just a growth spurt (which I think he had) but his appetite has been increasing a little more every week. Yeah! Hopefully he will get a little more meat on his bones before our cold rainy season starts.
I had mentioned the YMCA. Benny has gym class on Monday and Wednesdays and swim class on Tuesday and Thursday for the next two weeks (until Oct. 2nd). He is very excited about going. Once this session is over, I think I will limit him to just swim class. He favorite thing is jumping into the pool which for him is actually falling into the pool. I want to keep going as long as he is interested.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Silly Thomas
Benny quickly found out that his motorized Thomas the Tank Engine does not just run on the tracks. Thomas now makes tracks all over the living room. By accident, Benny found that Thomas can push this squirrel. Now he asks to have Thomas do it almost every day. It is a cute video. Enjoy!
Benny's 2nd Birthday
He had a lot of fun openning up his presents. He did very well at ripping off the paper. Here he is with his friend from church. He is looking at the big book of trucks that she gave him.
Grandma and Grandpa's Visit part 2
Grandma and Grandpa Anderson's Visit
Benny and Pop-pa at the Sculpture Park.
Baby Update!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Philly here we come!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Another Update!
Because of this, we are trying to sell our van as well as some other stuff we aren't using. We have made a budget based solely on Brad's paycheck. Anything I bring in goes straight to the debt. If everything works the way we want it to, we should be debt free (except the 1st mortgage) within two years. That is wiping out around $74,000 in 24 months. It will not be easy. We are making a lot of sacrifices (like no cable, no vacations, and such) but it is for the greater good.
Also, no word from Philly, but the arbitration went through and it turns out that for the next 3 years, Brad will receive a 3% raise on his base salary and a one time 8% raise next June. We hope this will just get us out of debt sooner.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Benny's Checkup
Little "H"

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Sad News
Friday, July 24, 2009
Our little Bike Rider
Benny is so close to riding his bike. He is about an inch away from working the pedals. He does like to scoot around with it and chase the older kids who ride bigger bikes.
4th of July Fun
The first thing he does when he goes outside to play, is to ask for his chalk. He likes to draw pictures. Everytime I ask him what he is drawing, he says it is daddy.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 4th of July
Just wanted to wish our family and friends a Happy 4th of July. We hope you celebrate in a safe but fun way.
Brad has to work today :(. Benny and I were going to our Church's picnic, but I am just too tired. I have no energy or desire to leave the house.
Here is why! We are expecting twins! Yep, you read this right, TWINS! Below is the ultrasound picture. The two oval shapes on the left side contain each contain a little fetus. The big oval thing on the right is actually one of my ovaries. This is the one and only picture we have because they ran out of paper, but we go back on Tuesday the 7th for another ultrasound to make sure there are only two and not more. I am 7 weeks along and my due date is around February 20th 2010, but I don't expect to make that since twins are known to come early. Please keep us in your prayers.

Monday, June 29, 2009
Philly Transfer
Just keep us in you prayers as we try to make our way back East.
Another Update!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Sad News!
I know that time will heal my pain. Brenda may be gone, but she is not forgotten.