Lilypie Sixth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Aunts and Uncle

Benny had a lot of fun with his Aunt Jenny, Aunt Jill, Aunt Leslie and Uncle Steve when they cam to visit the first part of October. We went to Mt. St. Helens and stopped at one of the observation centers that had a great play area for kids. This picture is of Benny trying to shovel the rocks. He was not quite big enough but he wanted to try anyway. He actually wore his sunglasses most of the time that day. Here is the playground that he liked to climb on. He wouldn't go down the slide. I don't think he liked the fact that it was like a tunnel.

We also took a day and went to the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium in Tacoma. Brad and I are members and were able to take 3 guests. They were nice enough to let us bring 4. Anytime Benny couldn't see, he would say "Please, Steve."

Here is Benny and Aunt Leslie standing by some big shark's teeth.

Benny really had a lot of fun with his Aunts and Uncle. He liked having more people to play with. At the beginning of their visit we went to Portland for a Professional Bull riding event. It was the first time Benny and I went to such an event. It was loud and entertaining. Benny liked the big cows and learned a new word "ye-haw".

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