This little boy sure liked his chocolate. We brought the Hershey's chocolate and marshmallows but forgot the graham crackers. Benny found out that eating chocolate near a campfire is a very messy thing.

Timmy had a great time camping. As long as he was fed and took his naps, he was a happy camper (pun intended)!

There was a little beach that we could go swimming and Benny surprised me by wanting to go. He even got down in the water on his tummy and tried to "swim". He would have stayed in the water all day if we let him.

Here is our handsome three year old!

We went for a hike through the woods. Benny was okay with it as long as we paid attention to him.

Benny had to bring some friends along. Too bad Thomas, Percy and Kelly spent most of the time covered in dirt and pine needles.

Stopping to rest. Benny liked climbing the rocks.

Once again, Timmy was probably the most comfortable one during our hike.

Timmy really liked the backpack. He even fell asleep in it.

Here is Brad and Benny telling Timmy to be quiet. It was early in the morning and we didn't want to wake up our fellow campers. Timmy wasn't crying, just babbling and laughing. Notice what was for breakfast, Doughnuts!