Lilypie Sixth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, September 12, 2008


Sorry I haven't updated this in awhile. A lot has been going on. Brad had a few overtime shifts and I have been busy with work.

Most of you know that the "unofficial" word is that Seattle will let Brad go January of 2010. The last we heard is that Allentown has yet to respond to that offer. We may go earlier but we just don't know. We are planning for the January date for now.

Yesterday we went to the Puyallup Fair. Benny had a great time looking at all the farm animals. He wasn't too interested in petting them though. I hope to have pictures up this weekend.

Also, next week we fly to Chicago for a few days and then on to my parent's house. I am so looking forward to this trip. My parents haven't seen Benny since he was 2 months old. Well, that's all for now. I hear the little guy waking up from his nap and I have to get dinner started.

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