Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The month of December has been a busy one. The first full week we went on vacation to St. Louis, Memphis and visited Lisa's parents in Illinois. Brad was checking out two possible job opportunities. The kids had a great time with Grandpa and Grandma and their Aunts and Uncles.
The day we flew back to Seattle, Brad found out that he got the go ahead to do what the FAA used to call "Fam Time". He would be allowed to fly in the cockpit of a commercial airplane. He originally set it up to fly Dec 18th to Philadelphia and return on the 21st to Seattle. The next day (Tuesday), Brad received a call from Allentown Tower. They were calling to set up an interview. Brad said that he could do the interview in person. So, no sooner than we were home, he was off again. The interview went well and he arrived home hopeful. Now we play the waiting game. We should know where we will be moving too by the end of January.
On a different note, Brad usually works on Sunday mornings, but he was able to get a later shift so he could watch the boys open their presents. Benny was excited about every gift he opened. Timmy had no interest in opening presents. He found a toy bus in his stocking and was content walking around with it.
This last week of December was spent getting the Christmas cards out as well as some last minute gifts. Brad has been home with bronchitis and Timmy has been running a temperature the last few days. Both seem to be getting better.