Benny is happy about being a big brother. He likes giving baby Timmy kisses.

It all started Sunday night. Contractions started around 7:30pm. Brad and I went to bed around 9:30pm. At about 3am I decided I could take no more, so we got up (including Benny) and headed off to the hospital. We arrived there by 4am. I was dilated about 3cm but was soon up to 4 or 5 cm in an hour. I was admitted and we actually were put into the same room that we had when was born. Once my epidural was in, the contractions starting slowing down so they gave me some meds and things got going again. Unfortunately, my ob/gyn was off that day, but his assistant was on call. She was great. It was a whole different delivery with Benny. I think Brad may have felt out numbered with all the women in the room. I actually pushed for about 2 hours. At 4:37pm on Monday (2/22/10) Timothy Edward Heilenman was born. We stayed in the hospital until Wednesday (2/24/10). We are all safe and sound at home.