Sunday, October 26, 2008
Benny's Wish List
The holidays are just around the corner. With that in mind, I have added and edited Benny's wish list. Feel free to go there to see what he hope to get Benny for Christmas.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Scary Wednesday
One of my greatest fears was realized. I slipped coming down the stairs while I was holding Benny. It happened Wednesday morning. Luckily, Benny is okay. He wasn't phased by it at all. I only slipped down 4 or 5 steps and managed to scoot my way to the bottom. I ended up spraining my right ankle. Brad and Benny took me to the doctor and the doctor told me to keep it elevated and iced. They gave me a neat brace to wear for when I have to walk. If it didn't feel better by today, I was supposed to get an x-ray. It is feeling much better, but I still need to use the brace. I have been out of work for the last 3 days and I am ready to get back to it. I am so thankful that Benny didn't get hurt and I am doing fine.
Monday, October 20, 2008
More Benny Pictures
Brad took this picture of Benny napping. He is a stomach sleeper just like his daddy.
Here is Bubble Boy. Benny is have much more fun in the bathtub these days because I have been adding bubble bath to his bath. He likes to try to eat the bubbles. What a nice bubble beard.
Party on Benny!
Here is Benny at dinner time. Look how big he is in that highchair.
This was taken today. He likes to play with wheels. If he is not climbing on it, he is turning it over to get at the wheels.

Pumpkin Video
Here is a video of Benny walking around the pumpkin patch. It was quite cold that morning.
Pumpkin Patch
At Spooner Farms they have these spiders made from hay bales. Benny liked playing with this one's eye.
This is a little barn they decorate with pumpkins.
Inside the activity barn, they had alot of fun things for kids to do. They had different things for the kids to bang on to make music. This water jug was one of them. Benny just liked pushing it and watching it swing.
Here is Benny and daddy riding a "horse". I think Daddy had more fun. Benny was too busy looking at the other kids.
This was kind of neat. They set up these water pumps and rain gutters so the kids can have duck races. You would put a little duck in the rain gutter and then push up and down on the pump to make the water flow and make the duck go to the end. Benny was more interested in the water.
We went to a local farm called Spooner Farms for our pumpkins this year. We have been going there for the past 3 years. They have a lot of pumpkins, gourds and indian corn for sale. They have activities for kids which Benny just loved as well as animals for the kids to see. Benny had a great time and I can't wait for next year when he will be able to do more things.
Vacation (Part 3) Scott Air Force Base
While on vacation, we had the opportunity to go to the Open House at Scott Air Force Base. I had been there before a long time ago and I wanted Benny to experience it. It was a whole family affair because Granpa and Grandma went as well as Benny's Aunts and Uncle Steve. Benny had a great time looking at all of the big airplanes (especially the wheels). Brad and Benny got a chance to see the Thunderbirds perform. Well, Brad did anyway because Benny fell asleep during their performance. Here are some pictures. Enjoy!
The guys from McChord Air Force Base where there. Brad and Benny got to sit in the cockpit of the plane.

Sorry I haven't updated this recently. Fall is officially here. It is rainy and cold in the Northwest. Yesterday we went to a local farm to pick out our pumpkins. Benny had a great time looking at the animals. I have more pictures to upload of our vacation and the pumpkin patch. We have let Benny have more freedom as he is getting older. No longer do we contain him in the living room. Soon he will have access to the whole downstairs. He has been having fun exploring the pots and pans in the kitchen. Hope everyone is doing well.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Grandma and Grandpa's House
Benny had such a wonderful time at his grandparent's house. He got to ride on Grandpa's tractor. Grandpa even had a pedal tractor that looks just like this red tractor for Benny. Benny wasn't tall enough to reach the pedals, but he liked pushing it around.
Here is Grandpa and Benny doing some porch sitting. I am not sure why Benny has a sad face. My guess is he was told that he couldn't do what he wanted.
Grandma and Grandpa had a lot of little toys for Benny to play with. He really liked this toy tricycle. Anything with wheels was fine with him.
Here is Benny sitting on Grandpa's tractor. He liked to play with the knob on the steering wheel.
Grandma and Grandpa live out in the country so there is alot of room for Benny to play. Benny liked chasing after the cats.

Vacation, Part 2 (Take me out to the ball game!)
One of the highlights of our vacation was watching the Chicago Cubs play the Milwaukee Breweres at Wrigley Field. Aunt Jill and Aunt Jenny drove up and went to the game with us. We had really good seats (Thank you Aunt Jill:) ). Benny lived up to his good luck charm reputation. He has been to 4 ballgames now and the hometeam has won every time. It took 12 innings, but the Cubs pulled it out. Of course, Benny fell asleep just as the Cubs were ralling back in the 9th inning to tie the game. After the game, we drove down to my parent's house in Southern Illinois (about 4 to 5 hours south of Chicago).
Benny had fun cheering for the Cubs with his "cool" Aunts.
This was not the final score. I am glad you can't see the other side. Kansas City blew away the Mariners by a score of 12 to 0.

Here is Benny and Mommy at the top of the Sears Tower.
Here is Benny looking at some fish at the aquarium. Yes, he has a Chicago Cubs shirt on thanks to his Aunt Jill.
Here is our little engineer. This was at the Museum of Science and Industry.
At the Museum of Science and Industry, they had a big model train set up. It went from Chicago to Seattle. They got most of the buildings correct and you can even see the Alaskan Way Viaduct. Benny liked watching the trains.

Sorry I have not updated this recently, but we have been on vacation in Illinois. We flew into Chicago and spent a couple of days there. Benny got to see Chicago at night from the top of the Sears Tower. We went to Shedd Aquarium and the Museum of Science and Industry. I forgot that the Museum was not near the aquarium so we spent alot of time on Lake Shore Drive.
Sorry I have not updated this recently, but we have been on vacation in Illinois. We flew into Chicago and spent a couple of days there. Benny got to see Chicago at night from the top of the Sears Tower. We went to Shedd Aquarium and the Museum of Science and Industry. I forgot that the Museum was not near the aquarium so we spent alot of time on Lake Shore Drive.
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